Welcome to the United States of America Lion of Judah webpage
We are a motorcycle ministry focused on serving bikers and others as we share the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are not bound to denominations, but welcome all who are sincere followers of Jesus.
Though we establish state chapters, we claim no geographic area, only heaven. Originating in Germany, the Lion of Judah Motorcycle Ministry in the United States of America began on January 1, 2013.
This ministry was birthed in New Hampshire, and continues to grow in other states as the Lord Jesus Christ stirs the hearts of men. We attend motorcycle shows, local rides, and participate in activities both of our own planning, and in support of other motorcyclists, as we serve and reach out to spread the good news of a growing life with Christ Jesus.
Please find your way to the chapter drop down bars, under motorcycle ministry within this website for current locations and information. If you are interested in learning about, and/or riding with brothers of Lion of Judah MM please contact us.
Come ride with us and meet the brothers, we always have a great time!
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