Born in the USA

The steps that brought Lion of Judah ministry from Germany to the USA were nothing short of supernatural God-moments. He uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. However He is looking for those who are faithful, available, and teachable. People who are proud and selfishly ambitious are rarely chosen. The inspirational voice of God usually starts softly and gently. Hearing and then beginning to take small, daring steps often leads to great things in the Kingdom of God. Eddie Coll was such a man who sensed God speaking to his heart, then “stumbled” onto Lion of Judah on a “random” internet search. He connected with Bernd and Sabine Hagel, the founders of Lion of Judah ministries. After many emails, much skyping and many prayers, one thing led to another. In 2012, Eddie made the trip to Germany, and saw the great things that God was doing. Soon, Lion of Judah was birthed in New Hampshire, USA. A few years later, in 2015, it expanded to Michigan, when Steve (‘Maverick’) Saunders learned of this ministry through the website, and rode to New Hampshire to become acquainted with the Lion of Judah men. Steve then established the chapter in Michigan, which is now being led by Glenn (‘Squirrel’) Harris. The Lion of Judah chapter in New Hampshire is currently growing under the leadership of Stephen DeFrancesco. We hope to see Lion of Judah established in other states as well.