Welcome to the Michigan Chapter page of the Lion of Judah International Ministry website. I am so glad to have you as a guest, and hope to meet you on the road. Please explore the site, and if you have any questions, send a message and I will respond as soon as I am able. We are growing as a Lion family and there are opportunities for men as full-patch members in the motorcycle ministry, and for women as supporting patch members in the Lion of Judah family. We make no claim, nor desire to claim any geographic area, except Heaven. As God’s Holy Spirit stirs our hearts, Lion of Judah is a growing Gideon’s Army as Jesus’ witnesses around the country.
Michigan is known as the Great Lakes State, and for good reason. No matter where you are in Michigan, you are no more than 6 miles from a lake! Our shorelines are picturesque and the riding here is fantastic… once you get out of Metro Detroit… LOL. The Upper and Lower Peninsulas are connected by the longest suspension bridge in the world… the Mackinaw Bridge (“The Mighty Mac”). Route 22 on the west side of the state is a phenomenal ride.
I look forward to serving you as I am able. We welcome all brands of motorcycle. It isn’t important what you ride, but that you ride. However, of supreme importance is that you know Jesus Christ, Yeshua, as your Lord and Savior. If you have questions about what it means to know Him, it will be my pleasure and privilege to help you reach that goal. Shoot me a message.
The Michigan chapter of Lion of Judah consists of: Glenn “Squirrel” Harris – President, Jeff “Curly” Jolin, Bruce “Deuce” Cohen, Evan “240” Saunders, and Jon “Caboose” Pfund.
We’d love to hear from you! Many miles and many smiles!
Ride on!
Squirrel (GlennJ4J@aol.com)